Prestashop Raygun integration
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Lowest price of the product in the last 30 days: €31.99
Integration with raygun to monitor errors and performance of your store.
Available in: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish
PrestaShop version required: 1.7.3 - 8.1



Find all the errors on your store. Make your store accessible to everyone at all times. If there is a problem you will have a full report of the problem. Module allow to monitor problem with JS, PHP and MySQL. Incorporating it into an your store can help improve its performance, as well as minimize financial losses that can result from errors and technical problems.
30 day return policy
- Monitoring of errors - allow to catch problem with PHP, MySQL and Javascript side.
- Error logging - this module will track and log any errors that occur on the site, such as script errors, page loading errors, etc.
- Error notification - this module will automatically notify the store owner or technical team when errors occur via email (Requires additional notification configuration in Raygun)
- Error analysis - Easily analyze errors, providing detailed information about what caused the error, what the consequences were, and who was involved in the error occurrence.
- Troubleshooting - This module can also help with troubleshooting, providing information on what steps to take to cause the problem
- Possible error monitoring in Backoffice